Saturday, May 26, 2012

nba jerseys with Chen Jian is the second class

Students of a group of earth-shattering - do not know why, looking at the backs Fangzhan Hong King Pine teacher suddenly had this feeling.
The end of a busy school examinations, Ming gardening school to the time of the placement.
Fang Zhanhong, Jian Zhen, Guo return to their roots, Chen Yang, four standing in front of Mei Xiuci hand, the placement of each person's table.
Fangzhan Hong is a group class instructors, with Chen Jian is the second class, Guo the final three classes, four classes of Chen Yang.
The placement of the principle is broken down according to quarters, China Lei Zou Xiaojie that a sleep, Jing Wen, where sleep is paddled at Fang Zhanhong of intervals.
This result is basically Fangzhan Hong acceptable, after all, a class of twelve students, such as China Lei Jing Wen, teaching it is easy to carry out more.
However, Fangzhan Hong dissatisfaction cattle birch and Yasuda branches to its own in the class, that Meixiu Ci through the back door into the Jia Hao - to see that this is a problem girl, Tai Mei fly girl and his ilk students stuffed into a group.
Cattle Hua and Jia Hao Needless to say, this made clear to pass the test film school students, it plainly is to give trouble drag to a special class; Yasuda branches destined to the Film Academy, but Fangzhan Hong is not rare dip this light - the class to put a Japanese, and more to his mother awkward.
Even more exasperating is that this four classes of boys trick is small, a total of 30 a few people should have just one class ten.
But Fang Zhanhong see the placement table, Guo-rooted, three shifts a good point, eight; Chen Yang's four classes assigned to six; and Fang Zhanhong of a group, actually only to the four boys!
Made in the next face of triumphant Chen Jian, Qi brand brand-list of the hands of 15 boys 15 girls.
The Fang Zhanhong see on the air do not fight one. This matter?
Four people, Guo return to their roots in drama education classes three years of practice can be considered to understand the show; Chen Yang is performing graduate of Nanjing University of the Arts, to teach his teacher hired from the Film Academy in the past,nba jerseys, so also considered the Film Academy knowledgeable people ...
Four teacher trainers, Chen Jian, a half-day performance did not learn, he took the classes of men and women with so Qi, this is not Kyun through the back door to her own nephew?
time, told me that good, let me carry out his professional teaching practice, he said I did not want me to take the class of so crooked a melon split date; twenty-six in four men, which also row can not be excluded teaching sketch? I do not teach this class! Statement a, Mei Xiuci eyebrows meat immediately jump a jump.
The Fang Zhanhong this Taitailielie, did not mind the silly height performance down prior to the judgment of this young man and his agreement. Since The Fang Zhanhong received the money, Mei Xiuci on Fangzhan Hong ease many of his more performance of Ayutthaya, Mei Xiuci more pleased; Of course, Fang Zhanhong said to go find Xieyun Ming, he still has fear, But in his experience, this kid actor, take a few good words to fill against the forward handfuls, give points sweetness, did not get it working.

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